Help, How much paint do I need?
How much paint do I need for my project?
If you’re asking these questions, you’re not alone. Buy too little paint and you end up back and forth to purchase more. Buy too much and you end up with cans stacked up in the shed (although this could be useful for touch ups!)
If only such thing as a paint calculator existed? Well, you’re in luck, because we’re here to show you just how simple it can be to calculate the paint you need
Step 1: Measure up
First off, you need to grab a tape measure to work out the height and width of the surface you want to paint. Then, multiply the height and width together to get your square metre measurement.
Subtract any windows and doors by using the same calculation method and deducting it from the total.
For Example
Wall 1 Length 4mtrs X Height 2.8mtrs = 11.2sqm
Wall 2 Length 10mtrs X Height 2.8mtrs = 28sqm
Wall 3 Length 4mtrs X Height 2.8mtrs = 11.2sqm (minus door 1mtr X 2mtr) 11.2sqm – 2sqm = 9.2sqm
Wall 4 Length 10mtrs x Height 2.8mtrs = 28sqm (minus window 1.5mtrs x 2mtrs) 28sqm – 3sqm = 25sqm
Add all 4 walls together total = 73.4sqm (1 coat)
Step 2: Calculate your coats
How many coats of paint do I need?
Generally, you will want a minimum of two coats of paint – this is a good rule of thumb for any wall or ceiling you’re painting. You’ll rarely get a seamless finish from just one coat of paint, and even if you do, coverage isn’t the only goal when it comes to painting a room. You also want to prepare your walls for the coming years of wear and tear, cleaning, wiping and sunlight – in short, you want the paint to be durable. This is where two coats of paint really help.
How many coats of paint on a wall?
Let’s dive into specifics now. Based off our rule of thumb, two coats of paint is the absolute minimum you’ll want for your walls. However, the material and previous colour of the wall can both influence this number – for unfinished drywall, for example, you’ll want to add a coat of primer or undercoat paint too. If the wall was previously painted a darker colour than your new paint, you’ll want to add another coat to really make that lighter colour cover up the darker colour beneath.
How many coats of paint on a ceiling?
When it comes to ceilings, you could get away with one coat of paint, especially if just refreshing a white ceiling with a fresh coat. Tikkurila Anti Reflex 2 White Paint is a brilliant option for ceilings. With only 2% sheen it is very forgiving when cutting in around spot lights and works beautifully on ceilings large and small. Although you may get away with one coat when just refreshing your white ceiling, two coats will really give a bright and fresh finish.
How many coats of paint on new plaster?
When it comes to painting over new plaster, you’ll technically want three coats of paint – our two recommended coats plus a mist coat. A ‘Contract matt’ is specially designed for use on new plaster.
So for 2 coats take the Total Sq mtr from Step 1 73.4sqm x 2 (coats) = 146.8sqm
Step 3: Divide by paint coverage
Finally, divide the number by the square metre per litre listed on your paint tin or in the online product information. And there you have it, you’ve worked out the amount of paint you need.
Each type of paint will have a slightly different coverage rate. look for the coverage rates

Coverage will vary depending on the thickness of the application and number of coats needed, we would suggest going with the lower figure, but hopefully you will get a slightly better rate then this suggest.
Example 10-12sqm per litre (will do a calculation for both)
10sqm per litre – total sqm required 146.8sqm divide by 10sqm = 14.68 litres
12 sqm per litre – total sqm required 1463.8 sqm divide by 12sqm = 12.23 litres
From here you can decide how much paint to buy.
Paint usual comes in 1ltrs, 2.5ltrs, 5ltrs and 10ltrs depending on colour and finish.
So at the best coverage rate you would need 12.5ltrs and at worst 15ltrs.
Please remember this is just a estimate, we would always suggest getting a little extra for piece of mind.
If you are still unsure or would just like some further advice or help calculating your needs, please feel free to contact us